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“My Psy Course”: “It was useless”, criticize the opponents of the device, a year after its launch

In one year, more than 90,000 patients have registered but only 2,200 psychologists are present on the dedicated platform while 50,000 mental health professionals are eligible.

Launched by the government a year ago to respond to the explosion of mental disorders caused by the health crisis, the “Mon Parcours Psy” scheme attracted 90,642 beneficiaries, learned franceinfo and France Inter with the Ministry of Health Wednesday, April 5.

The device makes it possible to benefit from eight sessions per year, with a liberal psychologist, reimbursed by health insurance, mutual or complementary health. These sessions last 30 minutes maximum and are paid 30 euros. Within the device, 372,547 sessions were recorded for an average of 4.1 sessions per patient.

Sessions too short

A total of 2,200 volunteer psychologists have registered on the dedicated platform. According to a count of franceinfo, more than 50,000 mental health professionals are nevertheless eligible for this device, but many oppose it. Florent Simon, general secretary of the psychologists’ union, interviewed by France Interestimate that “all the terms and conditions need to be reviewed from top to bottom. The prescription, the eligibility criteria, the number of sessions, the duration and the pricing.”

The “Manifeste Psy” collective, made up of 8,600 psychologists, for its part denounces sessions that are too short and not paid enough. “The 50 million euros that were put into Mon Parcours Psy were useless”castigates the co-founder of the Camille Mohoric-Faedi collective at the microphone of franceinfo.

“They could have created around 200 permanent psychologist positions in public services which are suffering and which can no longer absorb the demand”

Camille Mohoric-Faedi, co-founder of the collective

at franceinfo

The psychologists of the “Manifesto Psy” demand the repeal of this device. They turned to deputies and senators of the opposition who will launch an audit on “My Psy Course”. The results are expected in three months.

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