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"Mysoginia", "not everything is allowed": the Nupes denounces a tweet from the honorary president of the Licra

A tweet from Alain Jakubowicz, honorary president of the Licra, who attacked the clothes of a deputy, outraged many elected officials on the left. The International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism also condemned his remarks on Monday.

A personal attack that does not pass. Alain Jakubowicz has been under fire from many left-wing elected officials since the publication of a controversial tweet this Sunday. In wanting to criticize the behavior of rebellious deputies, the honorary president of the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (Licra) attacked the clothes of Ersilia Soudais, elected LFI of Seine-et-Marne.

“Winter outfit for a deputy. We dread the summer…”, writes Alain Jakubowicz, accompanying his tweet with a close-up photo of the deputy during one of his speeches at the National Assembly.

“Poor misogynistic boomer”

“Delete,” urges Green MP Sandrine Rousseau. “Poor misogynist boomer. You are pitiful”, abounds his rebellious colleague Aurélie Trouvou.

“Not everything is allowed dear sir. You are honorary president of an association which intends to fight against discrimination and you practice it yourself. Immediately remove this tweet, apologize to my comrade”, also writes Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI group at the National Assembly.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, former presidential candidate, also reacted. “The sexist attacks against the outfit of MP Ersilia Soudais are a shame. They deserve the withdrawal of the one who holds them in the name of a respected association”, writes the rebellious tribune.

The Licra condemns Jakubowicz’s remarks

Questioned by hundreds of Internet users and many elected officials, the Licra officially reacted on Monday evening.

“Clarification: the Licra fights against racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination. It categorically condemns misogynistic and sexist attacks which attack the dignity of the human person as much as they disqualify their authors and debase public speech”, writes the organization on its Twitter account.

For his part, Alain Jakubowicz publicly responded to Jean-Luc Mélenchon and “firmly contests the sexist nature of his remarks.”

“As for the shame and the necessary withdrawal, beware, you could give ideas”, wrote this Monday evening the honorary president of the Licra.

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