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Narco in Mexico May 7: four subjects fell in Tlalpan for murdering two people after an argument

In the early hours of this Sunday they located two lifeless people in San Juan and San Jorge streets, in the Las Juntas neighborhood, located in San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jalisco.

One of the victims was a woman and was located on a plastic chair. Eight meters away, a male was found on the sidewalk. Both had gunshot wounds.

The State Prosecutor’s Office began with the first inquiries to clarify the facts. So far, the man and woman have not been identified.

Four subjects were detained by capital authorities at the mayor’s office tlalpansince they shot dead two people with whom they had an argument.

The events occurred on the Federal highway to Cuernavaca, at the intersection with Montecillo de la La Palma colony. In that place, a citizen reported that when he was with his brother and a friend drinking alcoholic beverages, they had an altercation with some men who were aboard a black and purple vehicle.

After that, two subjects got out of the unit and shot them, for which a 34-year-old man and another 25-year-old lost their lives.

As a result of the operations deployed, police elements detained four individuals of 24, 26, 27 and 30 years of age. One of them had 46 packages of cocaine and a firearm. They also seized three motorcycles and cell phones.

Armed individuals attacked municipal police officers in Queretaro in the Sauces colony. It was reported that the attackers were traveling aboard a sedan-type vehicle, but so far they have not been arrested.

Likewise, it was announced that an officer was injured and had to be transferred to a hospital in the area to receive medical attention, without being in a dangerous situation.

They ambushed the municipal police of Querétaro after attending to a citizen report for shots

The armed aggression occurred in the Sauces neighborhood, where subjects aboard a vehicle opened fire on an officer of the entity

The injured officer had to be hospitalized, but he was reported out of danger (Photo: SSPM Querétaro)

In the early hours of this Sunday, a assault armed towards an element of the municipal police of Queretaro, which he was wounded by the bullet wounds received. This while the officer was doing surveillance tours after a citizen report on firearm detonations.

Elements of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) of the Mexico City They conducted a search of a property located in the streets of the Iztapalapa mayor’s office, where 257 doses of drugs and three cans of dope.

Agents of the National Guard (GN) also participated in these actions and the arrest of a 34-year-old man was achieved.

The detained man was made available to the corresponding authorities to determine his legal situation (Photo: SSC CDMX)
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