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NARCOS Law: Republican Senator Seeks to Classify Mexican Cartels as Terrorists

Another initiative by the United States to attack the Mexican cartels… although It seems that this NARCOS Law puts down the weapons for a while and goes more on the strategic side. However, coming from a Republican, you will have to read the fine print carefully.

The proposal of the Ley NARCOS (Notorious, Aggressive and Ruthless Criminal Organizations and Syndicates) it was introduced by South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. According to the initiative, Designating the Mexican cartels as foreign terrorist groups would give US authorities more power to operate against them.

The United States could classify cartels as terrorist groups / Photo: Cuartoscuro

The designation of cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) gives law enforcement agencies and senior prosecutors powers to freeze an organization’s assets, deny entry to members of the organization into the United States, and seek harsher punishments against those who provide material support to the terrorist organization, explained Graham himself on his social networks.

According to Graham, this law arose from seeing the millions of dollars that Mexican cartels generate, just from offering fentanyl and other powerful drugs to the unsuspecting gringo consumer. “The designation of the Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations is a first step in the major policy changes we need to combat this evil,” assured the republican.

Senator Lindsey Graham introduced the NARCOS Act / Photo: Facebook/LindseyGrahamSC

Well, according to the NARCOS LAW, the following cartels would be on a par with Al-Qaeda would be: The Michoacan Family, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and the Gulf Cartel.

Nothing else? Good too Los Zetas, the Juárez Cartel, the Tijuana Cartel and the Beltrán Leyva Cartel… oh, and also the Northeast Cartel.

The NARCOS Act proposal comes after the much-proclaimed initiative to allow the US armed forces to go all-in on criminal groups in Mexico apparently did not hit much. An idea promoted, mainly, by Congressman Dan Crenshawn… he was a Republican, of course.

Crenshawn’s initiative was widely rejected by Mexican politicians, including President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who called it “interventionist.” So far there is no position on the NARCOS Law.

Perhaps the NARCOS Law will receive an equally negative response… but it is seen that soon the AMLO government will have to do something more substantial against the cartels, since even from the Joe Biden government very harsh statements have been made regarding the issue. The most serious, from the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who pointed out that cartels already completely dominate some regions of Mexico… and no way to deny it.

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