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Naruto: Artificial Intelligence Lets You Turn Sasuke’s Ugliest Fan Art Into A Beautiful Waifu

The different seasons of Naruto they introduced many interesting characters, but if there is one that the public does not stop choosing, even competing in popularity with the Seventh Hokage, it is Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke is one of the survivors of the Uchiha Clan. Despite creating relationships with the members of Team Kakashi, he decided to defect from Konohagakure in search of the power necessary to avenge his clan and assassinate Itachi.

Then, Sasuke Uchiha continued with his brother’s dream: to collaborate with the Allied Shinobi Forces. He set himself the goal of making a revolution in the Shinobi World. After the Fourth Shinobi World War, he would end up giving in to Naruto Uzumaki’s mentality, returning to the village and dedicating his life to protecting it and its inhabitants.

His story in the plot, the handling of the Sharingan and all his ninja abilities made him one of the fandom’s favorite characters, to the point that many fans made fan arts with his image, some spectacular, others very ugly.

Artificial intelligence sensually fixes a fan art

According to a report published on the website of Spaghetti Codesomeone came up with the idea of ​​using AI Painting, a program powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that can reproduce any image, in this case, to turn an ugly Sasuke fan art into a beautiful waifu.

The viralized image on the Internet and social networks shows us the before and after, that is, the strange fan art and how Sasuke turned out as a beautiful waifu. Honestly, its female version is not bad.

As we can see, the waifu version of the Naruto character has huge blue eyes, wears a gray sweater, and has the same hair color as Sasuke Uchiha.

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