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Nasal Spray Treats Erectile Dysfunction in 5 Minutes | metropolises

Australian scientists are testing a new drug that promises to revolutionize the treatment of men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Spontan is a nasal spray with action in just five minutes after application: the effect would be up to ten times faster than that of Viagra, the best known medicine to treat the condition.

According to researchers at the biological company LTR Pharma, the immediate action occurs because vardenafil-based spray (medicine sold under the brand name Levitra) is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the nose.

Viagra, on the other hand, can take from 30 minutes to an hour to offer the expected result because it is absorbed by the digestive system after being ingested.

“Spontan is a truly innovative, fast-acting treatment that is on track to revolutionize the market. Current oral pills like Viagra can take up to an hour to kick in, and many men are dissatisfied with the results as they don’t always work or act as desired,” says LTR Pharma CEO Lee Rodne in statement released this Wednesday (29/3).

Initial tests carried out in California, in the United States, showed that the spray caused erections in volunteers with sexual impotence in the range of five to 15 minutes after use.

A new stage of clinical trials, with a larger volume of participants, will begin in the second half of this year in Australia. The company said it expects to have results in the first half of 2024.

If they are favorable, the developers intend to apply for permission to sell the drug to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US drug agency, in 2025.

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