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National Chahid Day: Tebboune sends a message

The President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, today, Friday February 17, sent a message on the occasion of the National Chahid Day, celebrated on February 18.

“In the name of God, Clement and Merciful,

Prayer and peace upon His messenger,

On February 18, we celebrate the National Chahid Day, a symbol of the sacrifices of our people which remain etched in the memory of the nation. It is a renewed opportunity that invites us to meditate on the legacy of which we all have the honor to be the guardians, so that national belonging remains anchored and that loyalty to the chouhada remains a sacred national union, which immunizes cohesion of our social fabric against those who are riding the wave that is attacking our country and persist in their excesses and slippages aimed at undermining the process that we have begun, in favor of sustainable national development in a new promising Algeria, and at influencing on Algeria’s positions and on its interaction with its regional and international environment, on the basis of cooperation based on mutual interests and combined with full respect for the principle of the independence of States and the notion of equal equal.

What is the most precious asset that we have inherited from our chouhada?

The most precious asset that we have inherited from our Glorious Revolution and our valiant chouhada, is the unwavering attachment to the November message, from which our people draw their ability to unveil the designs of ignominious circles of a handful of henchmen successors of colonial infamy, haunted by their chronic hostility to Algeria… If we celebrate the National Day of the Chahid, starting from this conviction that they seem to lose sight of, it is to recall the boundless attachment of our valiant people to the sovereignty of the land of the Chouhada, and to underline, by the same, that Algeria which wins, in this situation and in all sectors and fields, the bets of socio-economic development, will continue, as far as possible, the consolidation of achievements and strengthening of the pillars of the modern State, where the values ​​of citizenship, stability and well-being reign.

Continuation of Tebboune’s message on the occasion of the national Chahid day

An Algeria which occupies the best positions, with a view to defending its strategic interests, fully aware of its central role and its place on the balance map of the current regional and international context, with all that it understands as tensions which now impact international relations, auguring worrying consequences, of which Algeria has never ceased to express its readiness to limit the risks, by working with all its partners to contribute to the establishment of peace and security in the region and around the world.

As we fervently pay homage to the chouhada of the Glorious War of National Liberation, I can only renew our fidelity to the oath we made to them, on the path of sacrifice and self-giving, so that our dear Fatherland live dignified and sovereign. I bow to their memory and send my best regards and all my esteem and consideration to their Mujahideen brothers, praying to Allah to grant them long life, health and well-being.

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