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National Hurricane Center monitors two new formations with risk probabilities

National Hurricane Center monitors two new formations with risk probabilities

MIAMI.- Since Tropical Storm Alberto wreaked havoc on Mexico and US border states such as Texas, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) is closely monitoring two possible tropical systems in the Atlantic.

The first is located in the Atlantic tropical. It is treated inA tropical wave, located several hundred miles west-southwest of the Cape Verde Islands, continues to produce disorganized showers and thunderstorms. According to experts, the environmental conditions are conducive to its development.

A tropical depression or tropical storm is expected to form several hundred miles east of the Windward Islands this weekend as the system moves westward at 15 to 20 mph. A 7 a.m. report Thursday said the depression or tropical storm could develop at a speed of 15 to 20 mph.Training probability in the next 48 hours is 40%, while for the next 7 days it is 70%.

The second formation is located in the Western Caribbean in the Gulf of Mexico. Is UA tropical wave over the western Caribbean Sea is generating disorganized showers and thunderstorms as it moves westward at a speed of about 20 mph. There is a possibility that this system could develop in the northwestern Caribbean Sea or southwestern Gulf of Mexico in the coming days.

According to experts at this time the ptraining probability for the next 48 hours at 10%. And for the next 7 days it is 30%.

Residents in affected areas should stay informed and prepared for any changes in the situation. Diario las Américas is attentive to the updates offered by the NHC on the evolution of these systems. Stay alert and take the necessary precautions!

Source: With information from the National Hurricane Center

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