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Navigation bridges of all Starship Enterprise versions in 360 degrees

The bridge from the starship Enterprise from Star Trek: Next Generation

© The Roddenberry Archive

To mark the end of the third season of “Star Trek: Picard“A wealth of background material about Star Trek was extracted from the Roddenberry Archive published. The Roddenberry Archive – basically the estate of the inventor of the series Gene Roddenberry – and the cloud graphics company OTOY have among others launched a websitein the one every command bridge from every version of the Starship Enterprise in 360 degree views can overlook.

Kirk and Q tell

In addition, one full range of videos published exploring the history of the Star Trek sci-fi universe. Among other things, the creation of the sets with which the bridges of the Enterprise were created is documented. Stars like William Shatner (Captain Kirk), John de Lancie (Q from Star Trek: Next Generation) or Terry Sharp (producer of Star Trek: Picard) won.

The reconstruction of the Enterprise bridges was supported by Artists who worked on the setsand by Doug Drexler and Dave Blass, authors of the Star Trek Encyclopedia.

Computer voice by Majel Roddenberry

“The Roddenberry Archive Portal gives the public a first look at the many years of incredible workwhich the Archives production team engaged in preserving the legacy of Gene Roddenberry and documenting the 60 year history of Star Trek down to the last detail,” says Jules Urbach, CEO of OTOY and Roddenberry Archive.

Rod Roddenberry, son of the series creator and President of Roddenberry Entertainment, said: “The archive honors not only my father’s legacy, but also my mother’s Majel. She was the one for decades Enterprise computer voice.”

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