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#NDR asks about the four-day week: Large majority for it

NDR North German Broadcasting

Hamburg (ots)

A survey conducted by the NDR among 11,768 members of the #NDRfrage community has shown that a large majority is in favor of introducing a four-day week with full wage compensation. 11,768 North Germans took part in the survey between April 17 and 24, 2023.

The survey results from #NDRfrage are not representative, but they do provide information about what moves northern Germans. Because the answers are weighted according to the statistical characteristics of school qualifications, age, gender and federal state in order to eliminate distortions. Interested parties can register for the #NDRfrage survey community at

Large majority for four-day week

A large majority of almost three quarters (73 percent) of those surveyed are in favor of introducing a four-day week. However, every tenth person questioned is “completely” against the introduction of the working model. The approval of the four-day week depends above all on the age of the respondents: The approval of the four-day week is highest among the participants surveyed under 30 years of age: Nine out of ten people said they would agree to a four-day week endorse. Agreement decreases with age. For example, seven out of ten participants over the age of 30 are still in favor of introducing the four-day week.

Majority feels burdened by gainful employment

A possible reason for the high level of support for the introduction of a four-day week could be the workload. More than half of those surveyed stated that they often or very often felt burdened by their paid work in the past month. Three out of five people also say that gainful employment has restricted their leisure time activities.

According to the survey participants, the burden is mainly due to excessive deadline pressure and lack of time in gainful employment. That is what six out of ten respondents say. Almost half also say that they feel burdened because of too much psychological pressure. More work and overtime lead to stress for a good four out of ten people.

More flexibility, better health, and efficiency thanks to a four-day week

There is agreement between the generations as to the effects of the four-day week. Above all, the vast majority of those surveyed expect more flexibility in everyday life as well as an improvement in their health and more efficient work.

However, some of those surveyed are also worried about the negative effects of the four-day week. Almost half of those surveyed stated that working four instead of five days with the same workload could lead to more stress. A good four out of ten people also fear that they will have to work overtime due to the reduced working hours. So far, the #NDRfrage members surveyed have been working two and a half hours of overtime per week.

More free time for family and friends, hobbies and errands

The #NDRfrage members surveyed would primarily use the additional free time to spend time with friends and family or to pursue their hobbies. Seven out of ten people say so. About the same number also want to use the time for appointments and errands – i.e. for the household or trips to the office.

For those who took part in the survey under the age of 30, their hobbies were the main focus. A good four out of five people state that they would use the additional free time for this. Almost half also state that they want to do voluntary work in their free time.

Growing #NDRfrage community with almost 25,000 North Germans

With #NDRfrage, the NDR is building up a community of northern Germans who are regularly asked about relevant topics via online surveys. Almost 25,000 North Germans are now members of the #NDRfrage community. The NDR reports on the results of the surveys in its programmes.

Interested parties can register for the #NDRfrage survey community at Registered users receive regular email invitations to new surveys. Anyone who is at least 16 years old and lives in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein or Bremen can register for surveys.

The survey results can also be found online at

Press contact:

Northern German Radio
corporate communications
press and communication
Amelie Schwenke-Rolfs
Tel.: 040/4156-2309

Original content from: NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk, transmitted by news aktuell

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