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NDR Broadcasting Council: turning the debate upside down / vision first, then structures, then financing

NDR North German Broadcasting

Hamburg (ots)

On behalf of the chairwoman of the NDR Broadcasting Council, Sandra Goldschmidt, the NDR is disseminating the following message. If you have any questions, please contact the committee office of the NDR.

The members of the Broadcasting Council consider the discussion about freezing broadcasting fees or individual savings measures to be premature. “We have to turn the debate upside down: the reorientation of public service broadcasting must first focus on content. We call on the ARD broadcasters to develop a vision for public service broadcasting as quickly as possible and to show how the task for society as a whole laid down in the state treaties should be fulfilled in a timely manner under radically changed framework conditions,” explained Sandra Goldschmidt, Chairwoman of the NDR Broadcasting Council, at a closed conference on March 31st/April 1st, 2023 in Hamburg.

“It is the task of politicians to create suitable legal and financial framework conditions for the reorientation of public service broadcasting. They must not delegate their responsibility – at least that is what is currently emerging – to an arbitrarily assembled future council,” says Sandra Goldschmidt.

Rather, the debate must be conducted on a broad social basis and shaped democratically. It is imperative that the supervisory bodies of the respective broadcasters are involved, since they are already monitoring compliance with the program mandate and will also issue quality guidelines and monitor compliance in the future. The process is still in its infancy – the development of viable quality criteria requires a broad committee discussion, which takes time.

“The current discussion about the radio contributions belongs at the end and not at the beginning of the reorientation of the content,” warns the chairwoman. “First it has to be decided which content and structures are to be maintained, only then is it to be checked what financial and personnel effort is required for this.”

It is undisputed that the broadcasters’ spending behavior is under particular public scrutiny. However, it is also undisputed that quality journalism does not come for free.

The members of the Board of Directors, representatives of the management and the employee representatives of the NDR were also involved in the discussion of the Broadcasting Council on the future of public service broadcasting.

Press contact:

NDR North German Broadcasting
corporate communications
NDR press and information
Phone: 040 / 4156 – 2300
Fax: 040 / 4156 – 2199

Original content from: NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk, transmitted by news aktuell

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