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Nearshoring causes the arrival of around 100 companies; Demand for industrial plants is triggered

The effect nearshoringwhich is the relocation of supply chains where Mexico is positioned as the main beneficiary, has caused the industrial real estate sector was detonated thanks to the arrival of around 100 companies in the country.

Credit Suisse presented the fourth edition of its Nearshoring Tracker, where it detailed that at least since last November five announcements of industrial plant facilities in the country, for a total of 1,100 million dollars, most of which corresponds to the automotive sector, but also with an upward trend in the electronics industry.

“The most relevant announcement was the BMW electric vehicle plant (850 million dollars). According to the president of the Mexican Association of Private Industrial Parks (AMPIP), the country has attracted 75 to 100 Canadian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese that implemented or expanded operations in Mexico”, can be read in the Credit Suisse report.

Estimates from the same AMPIP show that at least within the industrial real estate sector there is an occupancy rate of 97% and in important markets, especially in the north of the country, the vacancy rate of these spaces is less than 1 percent.

According to the report, within the total investments made in Mexico by the nearshoring effect, Monterrey, Nuevo León, is positioned as the region that most captures said investment, with 50% of the total identified, followed by Saltillo, Coahuila with 11%; Mérida, Yucatán with 8% and San Luis Potosí with 6 percent.

Within the report, AMPIP estimates are cited, which foresee that during 2022 the nearshoring attracted close to 30,000 million dollars of investment to the country.

“Given recent supply chain bottlenecks, the migration of operations to Mexico is likely to continue, which should create opportunities for at least the next three years; however, investments in infrastructure such as energy, for the trend to gain strength”, can be read in the report.

The report also highlights the importance of the nearshoring In terms of financing, for example, Banco del Bajío has reported that 5% of its loan portfolio represents activities of this trend.

“Regional banks report that the activities of nearshoring they represent 5% of its credit portfolio”, details the Credit Suisse report.

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