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Nehammer and Kogler announce new security strategy

Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) and Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) want to work out a new security strategy, they announced today in the ZIB. Experts have long called for an adaptation of the ten-year-old security doctrine. In view of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the government now wants to tackle this. The new security strategy is to be approved by Parliament before the end of this legislative period.

On the day Finland joined NATO, the top government assured that neutrality would remain an essential part of the security doctrine in the future. Although it is less important within the EU, it is very important outside of Europe for its role as a “mediator”, said Nehammer. It is important to further develop neutrality so that Austria can make such a contribution in good tradition, Kogler added.

The new security strategy is a reaction to the fact that the threat situation has now become “more hybrid, more diverse”. Strategic national defense, but also economic resilience should be reflected in the new doctrine, explained the Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor emphasized the question of the energy and economic transition – with a view to raw materials and energy markets. These would be a significant contribution to more security, freedom and independence.

The applicable security strategy was decided by the National Council – based on a government bill – with the votes of the SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ and Team Stronach on July 3, 2013 (in the form of a resolution).

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