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Neighbors after the gun drama in Hässleholm: “Feels uncomfortable”

Shortly after the man was arrested, the police cordon was lifted, and the neighbors were able to go outside. A woman who wishes to remain anonymous tells SVT that she was sleeping when she heard a bang.

– I thought it was a shot, but I didn’t know for sure what had happened until I heard it on the news this morning, she says.

– It feels unsafe, of course, says a man who lives further down from the perpetrator’s home.

Alexander Mellberg, who lives in Väster in Hässleholm, is out walking with his son when he notices the police cars.

– I didn’t know it happened here. But imagine if you had walked past a drama like this with the pram, it would have been unpleasant, he says.

Isolated incident according to police

The police in Hässleholm knew about the man from before, but believe that there is no reason for residents to feel worried.

– He is 55 years old. We have had some knowledge of the man since before, but not for serious crime, says Niklas Årcén, local police area manager in Hässleholm.

Why did the hearing take eleven hours?

– It is a matter of assessment. In this case, they did what was required to not increase the risk of someone getting hurt, says Niklas Årcén.

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After 11 hours of negotiations, the police were able to arrest the threatening man in Hässleholm – see the images in the video. Photo: Mikael Nilsson

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