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Neighbors of Boyeros protest for lack of water: "Even when"


Neighbors of Boyeros in Havana protested this Friday for the scarcity of water, during a visit to that municipality by the first secretary of the Party in the province, Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar.

Those affected, especially women, demanded that the authorities restore the supply of drinking water: “Until when, we don’t have water even to make a boiled egg,” they complained.

“Since Saturday there has been no water, but that’s all, the hunger we’re going through, everything,” a woman told the official.

The protest took place in the Miraflores Viejos de Boyeros neighborhood, specifically on Calle H, between 1 and 2 of that neighborhood.

“I would like an official from the Aqueduct or from the Boyeros government to let me know when are we going to have waterbecause as of today we have been without water for six days and according to the Aqueduct there are breaks and there are not enough tank pipes to bring water to the entire community”, denounced the day before an affected person who anticipated the protest this Friday, and who identifies on Facebook as Brismayde Boza.

“What do we do because we can’t take it anymore, it’s one after the other and worst of all, we don’t even have hope anymore because we can’t see any improvement and I wonder how long we’ll be without water. Women who have small children and adult mothers who have to cook for them and we don’t have a drop of water, ”she added in his post.

Publication in Facebook

However, the response of some local representatives to the demonstrators was to ask them to lower their voices, that the first secretary of the Party was there and should not get a “bad impression.”

The neighbors were outraged by this request from an official in the area named Félix and they told him to shut up. “It’s good now,” they said.

“Here is the Secretary of the Party, and he is not going to get a good impression of us,” asked the leader.

“It’s already good Félix, what an impression that, it’s good now, what a bad impression we give since you arrived here!” said a neighbor who was filming the visit.

This Friday the protest of a mother with her two youngest daughters old in Old Havana, where there has been no water service for two weeks and prolonged blackouts occur daily.

On Monday, some 200,000 people lacked water in Havana and new service cuts were expected in the coming days, according to the official newspaper. Tribune.

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