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Neighbors outraged by pet theft dub thief the “Spider-Man” of Hialeah


Residents of the city of Hialeah have indignantly denounced the theft of their pets by a man they nicknamed “Spider-Man.”

Specifically, the tall, young, white-skinned criminal was caught on surveillance cameras in a building where he quickly climbed to steal a bird cage that was on the second-floor balcony.

Miriam Cruz, the owner of the birds, expressed her dismay and sadness upon arriving home and discovering the loss of her pets, who had been part of her family for almost two years: “Thank goodness I wasn’t there because if I saw that man jump onto my balcony I would have a heart attack,” she told the channel. Telemundo 51.

“It’s not fair that someone would do this. These birds have enormous sentimental value for me,” Cruz said, visibly outraged.

The incident has generated fear among neighbors, who checked their security cameras and balconiesconcerned about the safety of their own pets.

“I was quite scared because sometimes we leave our dog outside. If a man is capable of taking birds, he is capable of anything,” said a young woman identified as Maria.

Security footage shows the suspect riding down the street on a motorcycle, entering the parking lot and stopping just below Cruz’s apartment. After spotting his target, he walked while using his phone and began climbing the building’s structure like an expert rock climber, whose prowess earned him the nickname “The Hialeah Spiderman.”

“I saw him climbing as if nothing had happened, he climbs onto a fence, Go up to the second floor and enter the neighbor’s balcony to take the birds away,” says Maria.

After committing the robbery, the man got out, got on the motorcycle and fled the scene with the animal cage in his left hand.

Residents of the building, located in the most Hispanic city in the United States, demand that the thief return the Mary birds.

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