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Neil Druckmann hints at a third The Last of Us

Rumors of a sequel to the acclaimed The Last of Us Part II took off in almost the same vein as it was released in 2020, Neil Druckmann himself has also previously said that there is a story written for a potential third. The latest rumor in the line is that The Last of Us Part III is now in development and that it is Druckmann’s next project as a director.

Something that Druckmann himself is now fueling a bit in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter where he says, without revealing or in any way confirming anything, that there are more stories to tell. Something you can of course interpret a bit however you want, he could very well be referring to more seasons of HBO’s series or the upcoming multiplayer game. But the vast majority of us will probably interpret this as a third part he means.

Of course, Naughty Dog has not yet confirmed whether there will be a third or not, if the rumors are true and it is in development, it will probably still be a few years before we get to play it. We wait and of course feverishly hope that an official announcement of the third is not so far away.

Will there be a third The Last of Us?

Will there be a third and will it be Ellie we get to follow once more?
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