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NETFLIX releases in the week (December 25th to 31st)

Every week Netflix brings more launches to its catalog and every week, Oficina da Net brings you these news. There are more movies, series and new seasons of series coming this week from the 25th to the 31st from December. See what premieres on Netflix this week and schedule so you don’t miss the premiere date.

To check out more about movies, series, new seasons and other programming, click on the title to be directed to NETFLIX. Enjoy and click “Remember” on the titles that interest you, so Netflix will notify you when available.

December 25th (Sunday)

December 26 (Monday)

December 27th (Tuesday)

December 28 (Wednesday)

December 29 (Thursday)

December 30th (Friday)

December 31 (Saturday)

In addition to the news, click on the link below to check out everything that is coming out on Netflix:

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Fernanda Beling is an administrator, entered the field of communication and currently writes about streaming platforms, being the editor responsible for the entertainment area of ​​Oficina da Net. Daily follow the news, launches and best indications of movies and series on Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Max and other platforms.

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