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Netflix’s offer with advertising is a flop, a new PS5 planned for 2023, Avatar 2 accused of being racist, this is the recap ‘of the week

The new Netflix offer does not appeal to subscribers, Sony confirms the arrival of a new version of the PlayStation 5, Avatar 2 victim of a boycott in the United States, this is the recap ‘of the week.

The Tom’s Guide team is delighted to have you back for a Christmas recap! While Netflix’s advertising offer flopped with subscribers, Sony formalized the release of a new PS5 in 2023 and two Chinese companies presented batteries that could allow electric cars to run for 1,000 km. This week, we take you through the most dangerous stunt of Tom Cruise’s career and take stock of the calls for a boycott against Avatar 2, accused by some of being a movie ” horrible and racist “.

Netflix subscription with advertising does not take

The new offer with advertising was launched by Netflix in November for only €5.99/month. This competitive rate does not seem to be enough to convince subscribers who are abandoning this formula, which has too many disadvantages. In the United States in particular, this offer with advertising is a real flop. To date, only 9% of new US subscribers to the streaming platform have chosen this subscription.

Read > Netflix: new subscribers boycott the offer with ads, it’s a flop

Netflix © cottonbro studio / Pixels

A particularly risky stunt in Mission Impossible 7

Tom Cruise usually performs all of his stunts himself. In Mission Impossible 7, the actor pulled off the most dangerous stunt of his entire career by jumping off a cliff while riding a motorcycle. The comedian recently shared a video to show behind the scenes of the stunt and share his physical preparation, which included more than 500 parachute jumps and 13,000 motocross jumps.

Read > Mission Impossible 7: find out how Tom Cruise pulled off the most dangerous stunt of his career

Tom Cruise performs his extreme motorbike stunt © @TomCruise / Twitter

Driving for 1000 km in an electric car?

Will it one day be possible to cross France without needing to recharge your electric vehicle? This is what Svolt Energy and EVE Lithium Energy seem to promise. Indeed, the two Chinese companies presented two new batteries of 1000 km of autonomy. One of them would even be able to fully recharge in less than 10 minutes thanks to a new ultra-fast charging technology.

Read > Electric cars: soon batteries with a range of 1,000 km that can be recharged in less than 10 minutes?

Charging an electric car © Ernest Ojeh / Unsplash

A new PS5 will be released in 2023

Sony’s VP of Platform Experience took advantage of an interview with Famitsu magazine to talk about the new PS5. According to Hideaki Nishino, it could well be that a new version of the console will be launched as early as 2023.

Read > Sony confirms the arrival of a new PS5 next year

Towards a new PS5 in 2023 © Unsplash

Avatar 2 accused of being a movie horrible and racist »

While the movie Avatar: The Waterway has been a hit since its theatrical release, some viewers are offended and even call for a boycott, especially in the United States. Indeed, some communities accuse James Cameron’s film of being ” horrible and racist », Considering that the director would have appropriated certain cultures of indigenous peoples.

Our tests and files of the week

Which laptop to choose in 2023 for your most powerful games?

Are you a gamer looking for a new laptop? This guide is made for you ! In order to choose the model best suited to your needs and your wallet, Tom’s Guide has prepared a file full of recommendations. We share our selection of the best configurations to help you find the perfect gaming laptop for you.

Read > Best gaming laptops: which model to buy in 2023?

Credit – MSI

Discover 10 ideal applications to occupy your children intelligently

It’s the Christmas holiday season and it’s not always easy to occupy your children during the holidays. In addition to outdoor activities and board games, some fun apps could help you. In order to help you entertain your children while transmitting knowledge to them, we have concocted a list of the 10 best educational applications.

Read > iOS, Android: 10 free apps to keep your kids smart during the holidays

iOS, Android – how to keep children smart during the holidays?

Disney +: the year 2023 begins with a beautiful catalog!

The new year is fast approaching and it’s time to discover the complete agenda for January 2023. As always, Disney+ offers us new productions not to be missed under any circumstances. Films, documentaries, series, there is something for all tastes and styles!

Read > Disney+ January 2023: all the new films, series and documentaries

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