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Netflix’s TOP 1 film receives a bad rating on IMDb, do you agree?

The movie “The King of Shadows”, which currently occupies the first place in the Netflix ranking, surprisingly has a bad rating on IMDb, the internet’s most popular database of movies and series. Despite reaching the top of the most watched list on the streaming platform, “O Rei das Sombras” does not seem to please IMDb users, where it received a low score.

The film’s plot involves suspense and action, telling the story of a man who infiltrates a criminal organization to unravel the secrets behind sinister events. With a promising cast, the production caught the attention of Netflix subscribers, winning first place on the platform.

King of Shadows IMDb

However, the rating on IMDb shows a disappointing result, raising questions about the quality of the film and the difference between the tastes of Netflix audiences and IMDb users. This divergence can be the result of several factors, such as different viewer profiles, expectations regarding the film or even the way evaluations are carried out on both platforms.

A nota do IMDb importa?

IMDb is known for being a space where moviegoers and critics share their opinions about movies and series, while Netflix has a wider and more diverse audience. This may partly explain the discrepancy between the assessments.

The low IMDb score could be a wake-up call for those looking to watch the movie “The King of Shadows”, indicating that the production may not be as good as its position in the Netflix ranking suggests. However, it is important to remember that public opinion is quite varied and, for some viewers, the film can be a valid entertainment option.

Ultimately, the best way to decide if a movie is worth watching is to consider opinions from different sources and, most importantly, watch the movie and draw your own conclusions. While “King of Shadows” may not be a critical hit on IMDb, it may still provide an interesting experience for lovers of the thriller-action genre.

And you, what do you think of the movie “The King of Shadows”? Leave your opinion in the comments and share this article with your friends!

Ah, here we separate the best movies on Netflix, it will help you a lot.

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