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New Details Emerge in Vehicle Explosion at US-Canada Bridge

New Details Emerge in Vehicle Explosion at US-Canada Bridge

The explosion occurred on Wednesday, November 22, at a checkpoint on the American side of a US-Canada bridge in Niagara Falls. The explosion killed two people and closed four border crossings in the area.

Here are some new details about the vehicle explosion at the US-Canada border crossing at Niagara Falls:

Dramatic footage captured the vehicle speeding up before it hit a curb on the US side of the border, became airborne and then combusted, killing the pair inside.

The blast instantly sparked fears of a terrorist attack but New York Governor Kathy Hochul and FBI officials later said there was “no sign of terrorist activity”.

Instead, law enforcement sources told CNN that the victims were a local New York man and his wife, who have not been named, who were planning to attend a KISS concert in Canada on Wednesday night.

The gig was cancelled and so they stopped by the Seneca Niagara Resort and Casino before the vehicle made the ill-fated trip towards the US-Canada border crossing.

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