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New head of IPS analyzes outsourcing services to reduce waiting times

New head of IPS analyzes outsourcing services to reduce waiting times

The Seventh Sanitary Region, of Itapúa, reported two positive cases of chickenpox in two educational institutions. In such a situation, the control protocol was activated to prevent the spread of the virus.

In this regard, Dr. María Pastora, in charge of Epidemiological Surveillance of the Seventh Sanitary Region, reported that all the necessary necessary measures to prevent the spread of the disease and protect the educational community, which are the San Roque González school and the San Pedro National school.

In this sense, the doctor indicated that in the first place ordered the temporary suspension of classess in both educational centers, since work will be carried out disinfection in common spaces, classrooms and recreation areas to eliminate any trace of the varicella virus.

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At the same time, he said that a detailed epidemiological investigation to identify all persons whowho had direct contact with the positive cases, in addition to the search for those with symptoms similar to chickenpox, as well as the identification of those who have been in contact with the affected students.

In this context, the person in charge emphasized the importance of parents being attentive to the signs and symptoms of the disease in your children, such as fever, blistering rash, and general malaise. In case of presenting any, he recommended going immediately to the nearest health center to receive the appropriate treatment.

Likewise, he mentioned that a coordination with educational authorities to keep the community informed about how the situation evolves.

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