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New method that lights up tumors could help doctors remove them

A team of researchers has found a way to light up malignant tumors during surgery so doctors can differentiate between cancerous areas and healthy tissue.

When the cancer metastasizes, it spreads to nearby areas or organs, sometimes causing doctors to be unable to remove it completely, reported the Interesting Engineering.

The study, published in Cancer Research, was performed in rats. The team used a technique called “molecular imaging”, in which chemicals injected into the bloodstream are attracted to cancer cells. These chemicals light up during a process called fluorescence, helping doctors identify which parts of the tumors were not removed.

To improve the visual quality of the images, the researchers used an HD camera to capture shortwave infrared (SWIR) light fluorescence, which is invisible to the naked eye.

Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that occurs mainly in babies and children. It develops from nerve cells found in various parts of the body. Accounting for approximately 10% of malignant tumors in children and resulting in 15% of cancer-related deaths in the pediatric population, it is one of the most challenging diseases for pediatric physicians and surgeons.

The study acknowledges that treatment and outcomes in patients with high risk neuroblastoma remain low because the surgeries are complex. While removing the tumor – along with some healthy tissue – is the standard among oncologists, it is a challenging surgery as this type of cancer infiltrates the abdominal and chest cavities, nerves and major vessels.

The researchers believe that fluorescence-guided surgery can address this challenge by providing a visual map of tumors using fluorescent dyes. This map will help surgeons to differentiate between tumor tissue and healthy tissue, helping to preserve the surrounding structures.

The study also points out that, although many specific techniques to treat tumors are being investigated in clinical trials with adult humans, there is still no none available for use in pediatric oncology.

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