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New plan launched in Miami Beach to curb homelessness


Several Miami Beach city officials have joined together to bring to life a project they have called “Operation Summer Relief” and which seeks to end homelessness by providing shelter accommodation and mental health assistance to people living on the streets.

This was stated at a press conference in which Steven Meinerthe city’s mayor, detailed that “the number one problem that our residents want us to address is homelessness.”

“We are going to put our all into it, we are going to redouble our efforts during the month of August to offer a lifeline to people,” he added.

According to Local 10, The announcement follows an order passed by the city that gives officers discretion to arrest homeless people who refuse offers of help..

In addition to following the line drawn by the governor of Florida Ron DeSantiswhen last March he signed a Bill banning sleeping on public propertya measure that had previously been approved by state legislators amid the massive arrival of immigrants and rising rents.

On this occasion, the Republican led a press conference where the issue of homelessness in the state was discussed and promised greater access to services for homelesson issues such as substance abuse and mental health issues.

According to DeSantis, the legislation will ensure that the state’s streets are “clean” and “safe.”

“It bans camping on city streets, sidewalks, and parks, creates enforcement tools to ensure local governments comply with the law, and ensures homeless shelters provide substance abuse and mental health counseling alternatives for when shelters have reached capacity,” the governor said.

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