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New sugar factory in Algeria: an impact on prices?

Algeria should soon welcome a new refined sugar production plant. The group Airport Holding Company announced the very soon launch of its new sugar factory based in the east of the country. The project, headed by the Minister of Industry, Ahmed Zaghdar will allow, according to the latter, to achieve food self-sufficiency in the near future.

A sugar factory located in Boumerdes, the ambitious project of the Madar group

With a view to securing the country’s food resources, the Government is investing in several sectors, in particular the production of raw materials. After a long hibernation, the sugar factory project of Boumerdes finally sees the light of day. The company, named Tafadisis the result of the efforts of the group Airport Holding Company.

According to a press release from the group, the General Assembly of Constitution took place on Sunday March 12 and was chaired by Charaf Eddine Amarichairman of the group. Tafadis will aim the refinery, the production, but also the marketing of sugar and its derivatives at the national level. A competitor for the group Cévitalwhich currently monopolizes the market.

Only Tafadis has a choice advantage over the group ofIssaad Rabrab : a raw material produced locally. Indeed, before starting Airport carried out tests on a sugar beet farm in the Deep South. The trial having proved conclusive, the group will soon have a local source of supply that is less expensive than its competitor.

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The candy Tafadis and the ambitions of the Minister Zaghdar for the future

The head office of Tafadis is located at Boumerdesmore specifically to larbaatache. Son share capital amounts to 10 billion dinars and the area of ​​the complex is 14 ha. The group Airport plans to recruit 1,200 employees to operate Tafadis at full throttle. At full capacity, the candy should reach a daily production of 2000 tons.

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Industry Minister Ahmed Zaghdar visited the field last January and expressed his optimism about the prospect of Algeria’s self-sufficiency in terms of sugar. This last even went so far as to mention the export of any surplus production. The group’s sugar factory Airport Tafadis will start producing the third quarter of 2023according to the same source.

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