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New survey: Young people are discouraged by working from home

Tindra Karlsson, 23 years old, works at the IT consulting company Nexer in Gothenburg. Here there is the opportunity to work from home at least two days a week. With many young colleagues happy to come to the office.

– I work at home one to two days a week, I like to be in the office most of the time, hang out with colleagues and keep up with what’s going on, says Tindra Karlsson.

Understimulated by homework

The trend is confirmed by a new Novus survey conducted on behalf of the International Service System. Every second young Swede states that working from home makes them understimulated and every fifth answers that they are depressed by working from home.

Big difference between different age groups

Tindra Karlsson, who is a consulting manager and IT recruiter, says that the possibility of working remotely is much more in demand among older colleagues.

– I think that older colleagues perhaps more often have another life hobby that they need to adapt to and therefore want to work at home more or have to pick up children from preschool and school and stuff like that, says Tindra Carlsson.

The survey also shows that employees between the ages of 41 and 50 are more positive about telecommuting. For example, only 8% of respondents in that age group stated that working from home makes them more tired, the corresponding figure was 19 percent among the young.

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