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New trailer for ‘Secret Invasion’: The Marvel series starts in June

With Secret Invasion, the first Marvel series of 2023 will start in June – and thus a few months later than planned. Because actually it should already be ready in the spring. Then the infiltration of the earth by the shapeshifting Skrulls should make waves in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the preview of the series, we learn that former SHIELD boss Nick Fury (again played by Samuel L. Jackson, of course) is returning to Earth after a long absence, as it is in dire need: the invasion by the Skrulls has long since come began. Anyone who has at least seen Captain Marvel in the MCU knows why this is so problematic: the aliens can change their appearance at will and thus assume any identity.

As the trailer reveals, Fury probably won’t be able to count on support from the Avengers or other superheroes (at least for the time being?). At his side, however, fight his longtime companion Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) and the Skrull general Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), who apparently does not pursue the same goals as the Skrull invaders. However, in the end it may never really be certain who Fury can trust and who not.

The exact start date was also announced together with the trailer: Marvel Studios Secret Invasion will run exclusively on Disney+ from June 21, 2023 with a total of six episodes.

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