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New TV studio for ZIB programs goes into operation

From tomorrow, the ORF audience interested in news will be presented with all ZIB editions from a new TV studio. “With the start of the ZIB in the new television studio, the commissioning of the multimedia newsroom is complete,” says ORF boss Roland Weißmann.

ORF/Thomas Ramstorfer

After 21 years, the wide-ranging programs will thus have a technically modernized home. The 207 square meter studio is controlled automatically, which should increase efficiency with the more than 5,000 productions per year and reduce processing costs. It has three video walls with a total area of ​​more than 60 square meters and a length of 27 meters, which can be staged with up to five cameras – four ground-based and one rail camera. Graphically, 3D technology is used to convey complex content in a clear manner. The studio is also augmented reality capable.

Sport moves to the previous ZIB studio

Parallel to the large TV studio, there is a production workplace for short news formats such as ZIB Flash and Breaking News in the office area of ​​the multimedia newsroom. A single editor can create news formats there with the help of a technician.

ORF/Thomas Ramstorfer

In addition to the “Press Hour” you will see the ZIB short editions in the morning, the ZIBs at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., the time in the picture at 7.30 p.m., the ZIB2 later in the evening, the ZIB3 at night and the programs “Aktuell nach eins” and “Aktuell nach Fünf”, ZIB Wetter and ZIB Flash from the new studio. The old studio, from which the ZIB programs have been broadcast since January 2002, continues to be used as a multimedia sports studio.

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