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New Year’s baby: Duisburg’s first New Year’s baby 2023: Anas was in a hurry

Little Anas was the first baby born in Duisburg on New Year’s Day. But this time there was a lot to do in all delivery rooms of the four maternity clinics.

The first baby to be born in Duisburg in the new year 2023 did not wait long and saw the light of day in the Sana clinics just five minutes after midnight. Anas is the name of the first New Year’s baby and weighs 3520 grams at a height of 51 centimeters. His mother Kiko Heba and his father Ahmad Kordi are happy about their healthy son and can hardly wait to take him to their home in Marxloh.

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But there was no threat of boredom in the delivery room after Anas was born, because he had overtaken a little girl just a few minutes. The newborn was born at 12:12 a.m. The new year thus ties in directly with the busy previous year. A total of 1735 births, of which 83 were twins and four were triples, took place in the Sana clinics in 2022 (2021: 1778 births).

Little Liliane, whose parents also live in the north of Duisburg, also had the chance to become the first New Year’s baby. However, when they drove to Huckingen’s St. Anna at around 11:40 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, the girl initially only raised a false alarm. It went back home. Liliane didn’t get serious until Sunday morning and, with her quick and uncomplicated birth at 10.45 a.m., she weighed a respectable 3850 grams. She is the first child born at St. Anna in 2023, following a total of 488 newborns in the previous year.

Children were born on New Year’s Day 2023 in the delivery rooms of all Duisburg maternity clinics

There was also a lot to do at the turn of the year in the delivery room of the Evangelical Bethesda Hospital in Hochfeld. Some expectant mothers came to the reception on New Year’s morning. However, the first baby there was Ilyas, whose family lives in Hochfeld. He is the firstborn of his exhausted but happy parents. They are happy about their son, who is 51 centimeters tall and weighs 3030 grams. “Everyone is fit and well,” says midwife Katharina Rose to the editors. She cared for the twenty-something, for whom it was her first delivery, in the delivery room. “It was a really nice, self-determined and powerful birth,” says Katharina Rose happily. 855 children were born at Bethesda Hospital last year, and the majority of the mothers are therefore choosing to give birth independently.

In the Hamborn St. Johannes Clinic, which, like St. Anna, belongs to Helios, three children were born by early Sunday evening, the first at 10.25 a.m. was a healthy boy. His Duisburg parents are doing well too. So the first of January has been a relatively normal day in the maternity ward there, especially since 971 children were born in Hamborn in 2022.

Birth rates are falling nationwide

According to the Federal Statistical Office, births in Germany from January to August 2022 (486,700 children) fell by a good seven percent compared to the same period in the previous years from 2019 to 2021. This is partly justified by the restrictions of the corona pandemic.

This trend can also be seen in Duisburg. professor dr Markus Schmidt, chief physician at the Sana clinic for gynecology and obstetrics, sees no reason for concern. “Over the years, the number of births has been stable,” he says, considering the births in the Sana clinics, and “slight fluctuations” are quite normal. He also expects the number of births in Duisburg to be similarly high in 2023 as in previous years.

>> First-time mothers are getting older in NRW

● In North Rhine-Westphalia, mothers giving birth for the first time are getting older. This has now been determined by the State Statistical Office IT.NRW. According to this, in 2021 the average age was 30.4 years, 0.3 percent higher than in 2020. That was a good year and a half more than in 2010.

● According to the authorities, the average age of women in Duisburg giving birth for the first time in 2021 was well below the state trend. The mothers were on average 28.9 years old.

● The fact that mothers are getting older, especially when their first child is born, cannot be confirmed by the local maternity clinics – especially not in the north of Duisburg or in Hochfeld.

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