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New Year’s Eve in Berlin: We have to take care of those who have been left behind

Farangies Ghafoor is a trainee at the Tagesspiegel. As an immunobiologist, she likes to lead debates – preferably with sound arguments.

Emergency services are attacked with firecrackers and the debate – also laden with resentment – ​​revolves around the willingness of migrant men to use violence. It is important to name the actual problem: there are men with problems of violence who reject the rule of law. Whether out of conviction or ignorance is an open question. They live in neglected areas, are considered to be socially neglected, grew up with an archaic image of masculinity, even in families with foreign roots. In charged situations, a firecracker can give them the feeling that powerlessness can turn into omnipotence. This became visible to the whole country on New Year’s Eve, while the rest of the year the “problem neighborhoods” are overlooked.

Neglected areas with no chances are sometimes overlaid with migrant milieus. But that must not lead to “left behind” and “migrant” becoming synonymous. This does not do justice to the situation and blocks the view of how the problems can be tackled.

It must be possible to discuss violence and connections with migration without resentment. There needs to be a debate about how those left behind can be integrated.

One shouldn’t forget that “problem neighborhoods” also suffer from violent men. But instead of strengthening the peaceful residents, they are lumped together with rioters. Or even more infamous: their desire for stronger action is proof that it is right to problematize migration – and that they are experts for structural problems in their milieu because of their origin.

Internal security needs a certain toughness coupled with an understanding of the reasons. Justifying the riots solely on the basis of ethnic origin is not only blunt: it also does injustice to those who distinguish themselves without violence. Until that happens, firecracker bans can only alleviate the symptoms of a much more complex problem.

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