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New York affirms its support for the LGBTQ+ community and charges against homophobic politicians

New York affirms its support for the LGBTQ+ community and charges against homophobic politicians

The mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, released a message this Thursday condemning the expansion of the anti-LGTBQ+ movement in the United States, propagated by Republican politicians such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and invited members of this community to move to New York.

“Every day we see the headlines, the tweets, and the homophobic legislation against our LGTBQ+ community,” says the mayor in a video released through the Twitter profile of the Mayor’s Office.

In the video, which appears in addition to DeSantis, the governor of Texas, Greg Abbot, and the Republican congresswoman Margaret Taylor Greene, the voice of the New York councilor can be heard assuring “these who call themselves leaders are really people full of hate.”

“They are attacking our neighbors and our children, they do not represent the American values ​​of freedom and justice for all, which we uphold in the city of Stonewall,” referring to the gay bar where in 1969 clashes broke out between customers and police that spurred the gay movement in America.

The Mayor’s Office publishes this video coinciding with the celebration in New York this weekend of LGBTQ+ Pride Day.

“New York is not afraid to say gay or trans or drag queens and we are not afraid” of those politicians, says Adams before concluding that anyone from the LGTBI community who is looking for a “home” to live is welcome in the city.

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