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News from the day: 11 January

• University accounts for sale on the dark web – MSB is sounding the alarm

Students and staff must change passwords

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Hear who would like to buy account details, and what they can be used for in the clip above. Photo: Alberto Lozano/SVT

• Aboristen: “I have wanted to start a company for a long time”

Ockelbo is going against the grain when new businesses decline throughout the county

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Reduced new businesses in the county last year – but Ockelbo is going against the tide Photo: SVT/Jan-Peter Eriksson

DO NOT MISS: This is how the Entrepreneurs view the fact that fewer companies started last year

• Tried to take the policemen’s weapons – a man is sentenced for the attack in Ljusne

District Court: Should not be sentenced for attempted murder

The man who attacked the police in Ljusne says he wanted to be shot. Photo: Police preliminary investigation

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