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News from the day: April 25

Höganäs wants parents to continue supporting placed children

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After Marie Tidedal (M), the chairman of the social committee in Höganäs, received a question from the administration about compensation obligations for placed children, she chose to present a proposal to the committee. Hear her explain why in the clip. Photo: Simon Melin/SVT

Despite the ban: Many loose dogs in the wild

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Watch when Molly the labrador meets the nature guard who makes extra checks to make sure dogs are on a leash in the nature reserve in Måryd. Photo: Linda Ekström/SVT

Svalöv: The cows are released after months indoors

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The cows at Svalöf’s high school took the opportunity to taste SVT Helsingborg’s microphone before being released at this year’s cow release. Photo: SVT/Simon Melin

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