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News item: burglaries during the funeral


Video length: 3 mins.


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Burglars have developed a rather specific modus operandi. They wait for a funeral to take place to rob the home of the deceased or their loved ones. France 2 investigated this phenomenon.

A village in mourning, 120 inhabitants, most reunited to the church to attend the funeral of the former mayor, it was two years ago. What they ignore itt is that at the same time, in the middle of the ceremony, burglars are in the village. This December 15, 2020, Michel Gaute had just buried his brother. But, on returning home, he discovers his house turned upside down. The thieves were looking for cash and jewelry. Michael Gaute regret:It’s despicable that people can do this when the family is in trouble.”

The “funeral gang”

To strike, the burglars had undoubtedly consulted the obituary. Date, time, address… a lot information that can fall into the wrong hands. In 2017, a group of thieves even made it their specialty. Called the “funeral gang”, they stole everything they found from the dead. The perpetrators were convicted, but since then the phenomenon has not stopped. In two years, several other departments have been affected from north to south of France.

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