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NFL at RTL: More ProSieben faces are about to change channels

Jan Stecker, Christoph Dommisch, Patrick Esume and Björn Werner were the faces of the NFL broadcasts on ProSieben for years Image: ProSieben MAXX / Hahn + Hartung


With the broadcast of the NFL draft in April, RTL embarks on the American football adventure. After ProSieben had held the rights for years, the Cologne broadcaster caused a sensation when it secured the rights.

At the weekend, the broadcaster announced its “Starting Four” for the first broadcast as part of the talent selection in April. With presenter Jan Stecker there is already a familiar face who has shaped the broadcasts at ProSieben in recent years.

In addition, there are two ex-professionals, Sebastian Vollmer and Markus Kuhn, as well as the renowned football journalist Alex von Kuczkowski.

Now other ProSieben faces have published details that reveal how things could go with them.

NFL on RTL: Surprising turnaround for TV commentator

Patrick Esume and Björn Werner were undoubtedly among the most influential faces at ProSieben. Esume, who is just called “Coach” by everyone, actually made it clear after the Superbowl broadcast in February that his TV career was over. “TV career is over, but it doesn’t matter, see you in the European League of Football.”

In his “Football Bromance” podcast at the end of February, he confirmed again that he was “completely happy” that he was no longer on television. Even if he already left a back door open at the time and said that he could also be persuaded to resign.

Now the surprise is probably perfect.

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Because as Esume explains in the latest episode of the podcast, he might actually be returning to TV. “What can I say guys? It’s in the works and it doesn’t look too bad. We’re moving in the right direction.

Instead of being off TV, he is now about to make a comeback. However, the European League of Football, which he chairs, will continue to be shown on ProSieben.

NFL on RTL: Another ex-professional will probably be part of the team

RTL is probably strengthening itself with another familiar face that was previously seen on the football broadcasts. Esume runs the “Football Bromance” podcast together with ex-NFL professional Björn Werner and he also gives an update: “It’s still in the works. It also looks very good. We’re looking forward to the next few weeks and months”. , said the 32-year-old.

The team will continue to grow. RTL program director Stephan Schmitter told the “FAZ”: “Football is played by big teams and we will also expand our team significantly over the next few weeks.

At the weekend there was already criticism that the previous composition of the RTL NFL crew would only consist of men.

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