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NGO reports 22 arrests in the hours leading up to the presidential elections in Venezuela

NGO reports 22 arrests in the hours leading up to the presidential elections in Venezuela

CARACAS.- The Venezuelan NGO Foro Penal reported a series of arbitrary detentions in the days leading up to the presidential elections, raising concerns among the international community and human rights defenders. According to information provided by the organization, from Friday to Saturday before election day, a total of 1,000 people have been killed. 22 arrests related to the electoral process.

Gonzalo Himiobvice president of the Penal Forum, announced through his account on the social network X that “22 people have been arbitrarily detained in the context of the electoral process.” Of those detained, 15 remain in custody, one person is missing and six have been released, according to the preliminary report of the NGO.

The situation has been described as alarming by various observers, who point out that these actions could be aimed at intimidating voters and the opposition. The news portal El Pitazo, known for its critical line towards the government, has also reported incidents of “persecution and harassment against activists” in the hours before the vote.

One of the most notable cases is that of an individual arrested in Mérida for alleged disturbance of public order and personal injury at the Jardín Franciscano polling station during the installation of the polling stations. This incident has been interpreted by some as an attempt to generate a climate of tension and fear among voters.

This Sunday’s presidential elections are taking place in a context of high polarization and mistrust, with numerous national and international actors closely monitoring the process and the conditions under which it is being carried out. The denunciation of these arbitrary arrests adds a new layer of complexity to an already controversial and tense process.

Source: With information from Europa Press

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