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Nine ambulances are rolling from Gothenburg towards Ukraine

Dmitri Frejneman from Kungsbacka is one of the drivers who on Friday rolled off towards Ukraine. It will be his second delivery to Ukraine – in March he drove a transport truck to the war-torn country. This time his son Nick and neighbor Stellan also come along.

– My son was very impressed, even my neighbor was very impressed by it, so they put both of them up.

It is the non-profit organization Help Ukraine Gothenburg that is behind the collection. In one week, the organization collected SEK 1.6 million.

Drive to hospital

A total of nine ambulances and one evacuation vehicle will be driven down to Lviv where Ukrainian volunteers will receive them.

– Hospitals in Kherson, Mykolajiv, Izmajil and Gammalsvenskby each get their own ambulance. Other ambulances will go to Eastern Ukraine and work close to the front, says coordinator Katerina Alexandrova from Help Ukraine Gothenburg.

Loaded with medical equipment

Each car is loaded with medical supplies and equipment such as defibrillators, blood thinners and medicine. It is both private individuals, organizations and companies that have sunk money and donated materials to Help Ukraine Gothenburg. So far, the organization has collected money for 23 ambulances and 1 fire truck.

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