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Nine Parts of Your Body You Can (Legally) Sell

It is illegal to sell blood, organs and tissues in the United States (USA), but people can be paid to participate in research projects. Many studies are looking for subjects who have unique physical characteristics or who are willing to go to extremes.

You might consider earning some extra money by participating in investigations. In addition to earning money by participating in clinical trials, there are other ways to legally sell your body parts or fluids. Here are eight more suggestions, according to the Study Finds:

1. Hair

Many wigs are made from synthetic hair., but human hair is used for higher quality wigs. The selling price of hair is affected by many factors – color, thickness, length, previous chemical processes and whether or not the seller is a smoker. Usually sales are made online.

It is also possible to donate your hair to an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients.

2. Feces

Some feces are valuable for research, but it’s only about 0.1% of people who have the specific health markers in their stool. Human Microbes is a company that pays 500 dollars (about 466 euros) per specimen.

3. Semen

Donating semen is not as fun as it is on television. It’s harder than you think to be selected. Two large sperm collection centers, California Cryobank and Fairfax Cryobank, accept only 1% of applicants due to low sperm count, undesirable health history, genetics, or other factors.

You tall donors are most sought after. If you are accepted as a donor, you can donate twice a week and receive around 125 dollars (approximately 117 euros).

4. Eggs

Women can sell their eggs for a substantial amount. The New York University Langone Fertility Center pays $10,000 (about 9,300 euros) per donation. State laws vary, but donors typically have to be between the ages of 21 and 35 and it helps if they’ve had children before.

Donors are given a series of fertility drugs to increase the number of eggs the body releases. These are collected through a small surgical procedure.

5. Uterus

When it comes to the uterus, it’s more of a lease than a sale. Being a surrogate mother is a lengthy process. It involves numerous medical tests and negotiation of a contract. Or if you use the surrogacy egg or someone else’s. And there are significant health risks.

There is no fixed amountbut many agencies advertise the service for 50,000 dollars (around 47,000 euros), plus monthly allowances, compensation for loss of salary, among other fees.

5. Mother’s milk

Women who serve as surrogates can continue to earn money after giving birth by selling breast milk. Many mothers overproduce milk and can help others who do not produce enough.

There may be a milk bank in your area where you can donate, but you can also donate at home, with your own pump and storage containers. some mothers create small businesses with their milk.

6. Skin

It’s another case where it’s more like a lease than a sale. Some companies pay for advertising in the form of tattoos. Some, made with henna, are temporary. A woman sold her forehead on eBay for $10,000 (about €9,300). A man sold his forehead to a tattoo estate for $40,000 (approximately €37,000).

7. Blood plasma

It’s illegal to sell blood, but can be paid for by blood plasma. The US is currently experiencing a major plasma shortage due to the pandemic.

It takes about 24 hours for your body to replace plasma, so you can usually sell twice a week. Plasma is used to develop new pharmaceuticals, to help patients with immunodeficiencies, and in emergencies. Some places offer up to 500 dollars (466 euros) for the first month; regular donors receive around 40 dollars (37 euros) per visit.

8. Bone marrow

Bone marrow is produced inside the bones. Selling bone marrow was illegal. However, in 2011, a California court ruled that it should be legalized because bone marrow is naturally reconstituted, and the process of harvesting it has become much more tolerable.

There are two types of bone marrow donations, a surgical and a non-surgical option. Organizations pay up to $700 (about €653) for a 60-minute donation.

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