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Nintendo Switch 2: Giugno o settembre presentation by a leaker!

Nintendo Switch 2 will be announced this yearif I corner him, I called him his next console from the house of Kyoto and of the time indeed if he spoke of a presentation scheduled for 2023. Adesso, other two fonts if one icon to the choir.

It YouTuber Mike Odyssey Knowing that aver interpellato delle sue fonti fidate, le quali avrebbero (il condizionale è d’obbligo) confirm that the reveal of the next console Nintendo will be scheduled for the month of June or at the end of September.

Due temporary non-casual: a gigno Nintendo may have the Nintendo Treehouse consueto (only organized nei giorni dell’E3, quest’anno cancellato) until September if the Nintendo Live 2023 event will be in Seattle.

Hanno sparato a caso, dite? Può essere, ma Mike Odyssey ricorda come le sue fonti gli abbiano confirmed the first announcement of the presence of the Nintendo Direct of The Legend of Zelda on April 12 and the publication of the latest trailer of the following day.

Al choir di voci si unisce anche quella di cult_of_emberleaker legato al mundo Marvel che in un Tweet di poche parole fa sapere semplicemente che “The new Nintendo console will be announced this year“, without further details.

At this point the curiosity is so much, Will the year of the Nintendo Switch successor announcement take place in 2023? Così sembra, ma non ci resta che attendere confirme o smentite a riguardo.

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