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Nintendo Switch Online: new games have arrived for Game Boy, NES and SNES

As of March the Nintendo Switch Online catalog and Nintendo Switch Online + Pacchetto Aggiuntivo if it expands with Four new games for Game Boy, Nintendo NES and Super Nintendoavailable from oggi per il download directly from the console of the Switch family.

Nello specifico, arrived Burger Time Deluxe e Kirby’s Dream Land 2 for Game Boy, Side Pocket for Super Nintendo e Xevious di Namco in NES version.

BurgerTime Deluxe is the Game Boy version of the famous panini-based video game that prepares, cooks and serves the più as quickly as possible in panini from frizzante chef Peter Pepper.
Kirby’s Dream Land 2 It is the sequel to the original Kirby’s Dream Land used on his Game Boy in 1992 while for how much the Super Nintendo library holds, we found Side Pocket, a game of bizarre non-throppo popular in Europe most interesting for the genre lovers, used his SNES on 1993.

Infinite troviamo Xevious, celebre sparatutto spaziale targato Namco uscito nei primi anni ’80 in sala giochi e convertito poi su NES con discrete successo. Quattro giochi per tutti i gusti, manca forse un vero e proprio classico ma si tratta in ogni caso di titoli di qualità pensati per accontentare le esigenze de un público vasto, dai nostalgici ai giovanissimi.

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