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Nintendo Switch: Will future games cost as much as Zelda Tears of The Kingdom?

The price of Zelda Tears of the Kindgom hovers around $70. What to set the tone for the prices of future Nintendo Switch games? Nintendo’s American boss tried to reassure gamers by suggesting that there would only be increases on big titles.

The Legend of Zelda : Tears of the Kingdom © Nintendo

The price of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom sounds like a warning to Nintendo Switch players. This costs $69.99, which is $10 more than usual. What to announce other price increases in the future for players?

At the head of Nintendo USA since 2019, Doug Bowser (yes like the Koopa) was asked about it by the AP news agency. If we read between the lines, we guess that the price increase will apply in the future only to headlines. Not all Switch games will be subject to it.

“We look at what the game has to offer. I think fans will find it an incredibly comprehensive and deeply immersive experience. The price reflects the kind of experience players can expect when playing it.” explains the leader about Zelda Tears of the Kingdom whose gameplay trailer dazzled players last month.

Will Nintendo Switch games rise like Zelda Tears of the Kingdom?

Apart from the big blockbusters, the prices of Switch games should not increase, according to the big boss.“It is not a price that we will necessarily report on all our titles. This is actually a fairly common pricing model, whether here in Europe or other parts of the world, where the price can vary depending on the game itself”he explains.

The American price of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom had made French players fear the worst. And for good reason: when a game costs $59.99 on the Nintendo eShop in the United States, it is found at €69.99 in our country. The players feared that it would be sold at €79.99 with us, but that is not the case. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available at €69.99 on the French eShop and €64.99 (or less) at major retailers. It will be released on May 12, 2023.

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