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Niurka still fights for the love of Juan Osorio

Niurka did not remain silent and responded to recent statements by Sandra Montoyain which the violinist expressed that John Osorio It had been the love of her life, a feeling that the Cuban star does not share, assuring that this type of love only existed between her and the Mexican producer, since together they lived the most important moments in their personal and professional lives.

It is not the first time that Montoya talks about the time when he starred in a relationship next to John Osoriobecause in various interviews he has shown such great love that he inspired him, to such a degree that he has come to consider that he continues to love him to this day, for what he considers to be the love of his life.

In fact, the Venezuelan and the soap opera producer began dating shortly after they Niurka Marcos and Osorio will separate. According to what he recalled Sandra in a recent interview, his story next to Juan It took place just over a month after he and the Cuban woman ended and, in fact, that was the reason why their relationship did not prosper.

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Montoya has recounted that at that time she was not only the girlfriend of Osoriobut the producer asked her to marry him and although she remembers that she felt very much in love with him, she had to decline this proposal, because it seemed to her that it was too early for them to make such a serious decision, however, her partner did not want to wait and their relationship dissolved after a short time.

And although that happened more than 15 years ago, the violinist remembers that relationship as the most beautiful she has ever experienced, well, not only because Osorio It was a couple who was very attentive to her, but because the other relationships she entered into were unpleasant experiences, which is why every time she is asked about the producer, she has only positive adjectives to describe him.

Sandra Montoya had a loving relationship with Juan Osorio years ago.

But it seems that this situation has not fallen in favor with Niurkawho before Montoya will come to life Osorioformed a family with the producer, because as a result of this relationship his son Emilio was born, since the vedette sent a message, through “Come Joy”in which he estimated that she was the only love in Juan Osorio’s life.

“I am the love of Juan’s life”he assured. Through her message, the Cuban actress clarified that she respects the relationship that Osorio currently stands next to eva daniela young woman with whom he is said to be very much in love, however, he acknowledged that both were present in each other’s lives in circumstances that made them stronger, since it was she who was present at the time when the producer was fighting his addiction to drugs.

“Today I dare to say it even though today he is with a wonderful couple”he clarified, since “Seeing him rise again like the phoenix after a major illness, accompanying him, together, to the success we had as a couple, to our careers, which were succeeding in parallel, supporting each other”. “To become mature and conscious people, to get rid of the ego of show business to be human beings with our people, to have a child; raising our children together, ‘yours, mine and ours’, he only lived that with me”finished off.

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