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No chance for Marvel & Co: Netflix is ​​almost four times as successful as Disney Plus

Despite all the negative headlines, rides Netflix on a wave of success. The top dog of the streaming providers was able to score with the audience in 2022 with a lot of original content. As far as the business model of the streaming service is concerned, however, there is a lot to do. rocked at the beginning of last year declining subscription numbers investor confidence and let the stock price break into the company. The so-called “5 Euro subscription”, partly financed by advertising, turned out to be a flop and could not find enough buyers to buy the already sold by Netflixbought advertising minutes to play off But with series hits and exclusive blockbusters, they braced themselves against the growing competition.

Netflix hits inspire audiences around the world

Disney Plus can thanks successful acquisitions of the parent company offer existing content from the two largest cinema franchises and beyond new material produce themselves. The Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars provide plenty of material for series that are intended to attract the masses alongside the movies. Netflix, on the other hand, relies on its own content. With the third season StrangerThingsthe blockbuster Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery and the Addams Family spin-off wednesday, achieved three incredibly successful hits. Although Disney Plus also had spectacular series to offer with Star Wars: Andor or Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are still in the audience favour apparently way behind Netflix.

Streaming makes conventional television look old

As the latest figures from Nielsena global leader in audience measurement, show that streaming was the most consumed in December 2022 form of “television” in the USA. During Free-to-air TV on 24.7 percent came, could Cable TV 30.9 percent of viewers enthusiastic about themselves. with 38.1 percent the majority opted for streaming.

Within this division could youtube its top spot 8.7 percent defend. 2nd place among streaming services Netflix with a share of 7.5 percent in the overall use of “television”. competitor DisneyPlus lands behind Hulu (3.4%) and Amazon Prime Video (2.7%). in fourth place. Only 1.9 percent of the viewers opted for the offer, which was mainly for his Marvel superheroes and tales set in the galaxy far, far away from Starwars is known.

2023 should also be an exciting year for the industry. If Netflix actually enforces the ban on account and password sharing, there could be a wave of layoffs. It also cannot be ruled out that the prices of streaming providers such as Disney Plus, Netflix, Sky or Apple TV Plus will continue to rise. But you obviously don’t have to worry about new, high-quality content. With The Last of Us, the first hit series of the still young year recently started on HBO max and Sky. And thanks to the new superhero series Extraordinary, Disney Plus has also recently proven that they are capable of producing highly innovative material without Marvel logo to stomp out of the ground in the opening credits.

Source: Nielsen

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