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‘No idea if it works’: Microsoft gives away old Zune MP3 player, iPod’s forgotten rival

Present in the latest opus of “Guardians of the Galaxy”, the American group’s MP3 player could well become a cult object.

If you are one of the (few) people to have had a Zune MP3 player in your hands, then you may want to play the contest launched by Microsoft on Twitter.

As part of the movie release Guardians of the Galaxy 3, the group is thus winning an emblematic Zune, still in its box and never opened. Golden in color, it is estimated at 180 dollars, in condition. “No idea if it works”, specifies Microsoft in its tweet. On the other hand, you will have to be smart to recover it if you are not in the United States, the game being reserved for this country.

The Zune indeed makes an appearance in the new section of Guardians of the Galaxy (as well as briefly in the second) to replace the famous broken Walkman of the hero.

“Not Brave Enough”

It is also a product that has become one of Microsoft’s most significant failures, completely overtaken in the early 2000s by the inventiveness of Steve Jobs and Apple. Because the Zune is above all a pale copy of the iPod. Released in 2006, nearly 5 years after the first version of the iPod, Microsoft’s MP3 player didn’t offer much to stand out.

In 2012, the group’s former Entertainment & Devices boss recognized that the Zune was a mistake. “We just weren’t brave enough,” he explained in reference to its product which was content to follow Apple. The arrival in 2007 of the iPhone, which also carried music, completed Microsoft’s ambitions in the field.

Its marketing will be stopped in 2012 but, like many failures, the Microsoft player is experiencing a new youth thanks to references in pop culture. A funny and clever way for director James Gunn to avoid product placement, and to go against the viewer’s expectations. Result, the Zune multiply for sale on eBay.

Thomas Leroy Journalist BFM Business

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