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What is the difference between a homicide and a murder? Sometimes I read and listen to it and they seem interchangeable, in the end, is there a difference?

A. Homicide is causing the death of another person. Legally, it is a crime that consists of killing someone, by action or omission, intentionally or unintentionally, without the circumstances of treachery or cruelty typical of murder. It supposes, therefore, an attempt against the life of a physical person well protected by law.

Murder is a form of homicide that constitutes a crime against the legal right of the life of a natural person of a very specific nature, which consists of killing a person incurring in certain specific circumstances, dependent on the legislator, such as treachery, price , the reward, the promise or cruelty deliberately and inhumanly increasing the pain of the offended party. It’s a type of qualified homicide. Murder is considered when a person causes the death of another and carries it out with one of the three assumptions (or all three together) of “treachery” (it is carried out treasonously or when it is known that the victim will not be able to defend himself). , “cruelty” (deliberately and inhumanly increasing the suffering of the victim) or “price competition” (committing the crime in exchange for economic or material retribution).

In short, one is terribly bad, the other is even worse.


What is the difference between a partly cloudy day and a partly sunny one?

A. According to the National Weather Service, partly cloudy and partly sunny mean exactly the same thing. The definition states that between 3/8 and 5/8 of the sky is covered in clouds when classified as partly cloudy or partly sunny.


When I had a cold as a child, my mother put some Vick’s VapoRub under my nose to help me breathe easier. Does this really work?

Answer by Jay L. Hoecker, MD: Vick VapoRub, a topical ointment made from ingredients including camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol, which is rubbed on the throat and chest, does not relieve nasal congestion. But VapoRub’s strong menthol smell can trick your brain, so you feel like you’re breathing through an unobstructed nose. In contrast, over-the-counter decongestant tablets and nasal sprays can narrow the blood vessels in the lining of the nose, leading to reduced swelling in the nasal passages.

VapoRub has drawbacks, aside from its ineffectiveness as a nasal decongestant. It is not safe for any use in children under 2 years of age. In adults and children 2 years and older, use only on the neck and chest. Swallowing a few teaspoons of camphor, one of the main ingredients in VapoRub and other topical medications, such as Campho-Phenique and Bengay, can cause fatal poisoning in young children. Topical camphor absorbed through mucous membranes or broken skin can also be toxic. This is why you should never put VapoRub in or around the nostrils, especially the nostrils of a young child. And if VapoRub gets in your eye, it can damage the cornea.

Drinking can be very dehydrating, so make sure you’ve been drinking enough water throughout the day and especially between drinks,” says gut health dietitian Amanda Sauceda, RDN. Alternating alcoholic beverages with a glass of water can help slow down the drinking and keep you hydrated. This can be especially helpful if you are drinking alcohol in a hot and humid environment.

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