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Mr. La Mont, what would happen if the top speed was reduced by about 20 kph?

A. If everyone drove 20 km/h slower, there would certainly be a reduction in the number of car accidents and 25% fewer deaths due to collisions, since slower speeds give drivers more time to react and reduce the severity of accidents. . Think about what 25% fewer deaths mean, fewer injuries, fewer injuries, less use of medical services, reduced economic costs and burdens on society, and so on. Also, driving slower would also reduce the amount of fuel consumption and air pollution, and tell me if driving faster is worth it with these numbers:

On a 50 trip, 100 kph speed limit, 15 kph over the limit would save you about five minutes. Worth it? I say no.


What are the states where you should not travel to go to the United States?

A. The neighboring State Department has issued the following official warnings:

The six states with a “no travel” notice, due to kidnappings and other crimes, are the northern border state of Tamaulipas, central Zacatecas, and the Pacific coast states of Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacan, and Guerrero.

The seven states for which visitors are advised to “reconsider travel” due to crime are Baja California (North), Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco and Morelos.


Although I’ve never seen one in the field, I’ve always been curious as to why beavers build such dams (which I have seen)?

A. Due to their size and clumsiness to move on land, these little animals are easy prey for predators. “When beavers are on land, they are very clumsy and vulnerable, like big chicken nuggets flitting around that any predator would be happy to eat,” said Emily Fairfax, a Channel Islands ecohydrologist at California State University, Camarillo, California, to Live Science in an email). “But when they’re in the water, they’re almost invincible. They are exceptional swimmers and can hold their breath for ten to fifteen minutes. By building a dam, you create a pond, and that pond is your safety zone.” These bodies of water are deep enough for beavers to hide from predators such as mountain lions, bears, wolves, and coyotes. Dams can also flood areas to bring beavers closer to their main food source, she noted. This includes tree bark, leaves, and twigs, as well as aquatic plants such as water lilies and cattails.


In simple words, are (body) calories “burned” with exercise or not? Does exercise serve to eliminate them, or is it only achieved with a caloric deficit?

R. Don Enrique, correct. When you are active, your body uses more energy (calories). And when you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. To lose weight, most people need to reduce the number of calories they eat and increase their physical activity. But is exercise, without adhering to a healthy diet, an effective weight loss strategy? The short answer: No. While exercise is good for you, it won’t help much without dietary modifications if you’re trying to lose weight and also to avoid heart disease, diabetes and other ailments, say dietitians and researchers.

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