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No Makeup / / February 17, 2023


Have you noticed that the kitchen sink is always in front of a window, why?

A. This location has a practical application: it is where the most natural light enters, so if washed by hand, the dishes dry faster. This is a hangover from before the dishwasher.


What were the first tools invented by humans and what has been the most important invention in history?

A. Stone tools were humanity’s first technology, invented over 2 million years ago by Homo habilis, an ancient human ancestor. The simplest implements, known to their discoverers as “choppers,” were sharp stones made by smashing one stone against another.

As for the most important invention, this is subjective as it depends on one’s perspective and criteria of importance. However, some inventions that have had a significant impact on human civilization include the wheel, eyeglasses, the printing press, electricity, and the internet.


Don Alfred, we always return to the eternal question: does the cold cause us to catch a cold?

A. Don Darren, no problem and I’ll be happy to answer this question at length to help clarify this concept: being cold doesn’t directly cause a cold, but being cold can lower your immune system, making you more susceptible to catching a cold if exposed to the virus. It is important to dress well in cold weather to help prevent illness. Okay, but isn’t there a connection between cold exposure and a cold? There may be indirect factors at play. Some research suggests that cold weather may affect your susceptibility to being infected by the respiratory virus, A. karaba. A new study (The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) found that cold weather can impair the effectiveness of your nose’s innate immune response. And while the cold itself doesn’t trigger viral infections, your immune system works at its peak when your body temperature is well-regulated. So it’s certainly possible that dysregulation of that balance could have an impact. How to avoid it? Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands because doing so increases the chances of viruses entering your body and making you sick. And wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Also, try to avoid close contact with people who are sick. And, if you’re going to be in a crowded indoor setting, wearing a high-quality mask is helpful. I remember in the past, in a way, I made fun of Japanese nationals who covered their faces with a mask, pre-covid, and now I understand and embrace this custom.


Don Alfredo, throughout history, what has been the greatest cause of death in humanity?

A. Throughout history, the most common cause of death has been infectious diseases, such as the flu, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. These diseases were often easily spread in crowded and unsanitary living conditions, often made worse by malnutrition and poor access to medical care. Other leading causes of death throughout history have included war, famine, and natural disasters. It is interesting to see how these vary according to the time. For example, the bubonic plague was the leading cause of death in the Middle Ages, and throughout the 20th century, in the developed world, the leading causes of death shifted from infectious diseases, such as the flu, to degenerative diseases, such as cancer or diabetes.

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