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No more stinks from the waste bin: the best solutions to put into practice immediately

No more stinks from the

What to do to no longer smell that annoying bad smell from the waste bin in the kitchen? We will see which products are better to use to solve this situation once and for all. Here are all the details.

The place people usually put their waste bin is there kitchen. Indeed, it is in this room that the most garbage is produced. Usually, they have bags and bins under the sink. But it can often happen that this area smells and not a little.

If you ever found that you couldn’t stand the smell and didn’t know how to get rid of it, now you may have the solution. You will say no more stinks from the wastebasket with the wastebaskets things more convenient to use immediately. There are special products, chemicals, but it’s always better to make a green choice.

In fact, there are plenty of natural ingredients and products, which you also have in your kitchen, that are perfect for remove bad smells. Not only that, but they are also very effective for disinfecting and keep bacteria away which inevitably arise.

So what are you waiting for? Continue reading and you will find the best solutions to stop smelling bad and to have a cleaner place. This aspect is very important, especially if there are small children in the house.

Stop the smell from the waste bin: what is best to use to eliminate the bad smell

Many people assume they are playing it safe using bleach. It is certainly a valid product, but it is also very irritating and has a strong and toxic smell. A few drops on a sponge are enough to disinfect the bottom of the bin.

Sodium bicarbonate, a fantastic ally of

However, we have some green solutions which are equally effective but healthier. Here they are in this list:

  • coarse salt: few know that it can be a precious ally to absorb humidity and eliminate bad smell, just sprinkle a little on the bottom of the basket;
  • sodium bicarbonate: fantastic ally of the house, it can do a lot even on this occasion because it absorbs bad smell; just put some on the bottom or directly in the basket;
  • cover the basket: before placing the bag you can use other materials, such as i newspaper sheets.

These few products alone are enough to resolve the issue, but if it weren’t still enough, there would be more. Add a bag with essential oil of lemon, for example, could wipe out any residual unpleasant odor.

Also, something you can do during the routine cleaning of the bins could be to use a spray bottle with disinfectant or a brush with nylon bristles for a deep and lasting cleaning.

What should you use for the organic waste bin?

The same things listed up to now, i.e. coarse salt, bicarbonate of soda and sheets of newspaper, can be good for both undifferentiated waste collection and wet waste. However, here are some more tips for you.

Throw the grounds into the bag

The first thing you can do is add someexpanded clay. This is to collect the liquids that sometimes form. A second aid, on the other hand, could be to throw in the bag i coffee groundsare great for preventing stink.

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