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“No political request concert”

“Either the wind is blowing or it isn’t blowing. It’s not a political request, it’s a law of nature.” This was emphasized by Governor Markus Wallner (ÖVP) on Monday at “Vorarlberg LIVE” with a view to the wind power potential in Vorarlberg.

He dampened expectations of the results of the wind power study commissioned by the state, which are to be presented today, Tuesday. “One will recognize that there is a certain potential, but rather a smaller one, which tends to be overestimated in terms of its importance for energy autonomy,” Wallner gave a foretaste on the show.

“My expectations are not very high”

At the same time, you have to be open if the conditions are right, the governor said. But: “My expectations are not very high.” Wallner does not see the possibility that Leonore Gewessler’s (Greens) Ministry of Climate Protection could also approve remote wind turbines in Vorarlberg with planned changes to the law. “I think it really stands and falls with the wind power potential. Even if the minister wants that, she won’t be able to generate the wind.” Certain federal states are simply at an advantage, such as Lower Austria and Upper Austria. According to the governor, there is no reluctance in Vorarlberg or Tyrol, but the debate must be objective.

The entire broadcast

Wallner does not see it as a conflict that his party colleague, Finance Minister Magnus Brunner, recently told him against the background of the financial equalization negotiations that simply asking for more money is not a negotiating position. “I get along well with Brunner.” The exchange of blows is part of the business. The governor also emphasizes in the program that it is not just about asking for more money. On the state side, there are currently “very dynamic areas of responsibility” where more support is needed. In this context he mentions care, health or child care.

expansion required

As far as outraged reactions to the ÖBB are concerned, Wallner demands from Gewessler: “The theoretical climate protection must become a practical one.” He also received many complaints about overcrowded trains. The governor believes that an improvement could be achieved through the expansion of local public transport, through more investment and more train sets, better timetables and clocking. The people of Vorarlberg in particular are happy to switch to public transport. “One should actually use this trend.”

The broadcast “Vorarlberg LIVE” is a cooperation between VOL.AT,, Ländle TV and VOL.AT TV and is broadcast from Monday to Friday from 5 p.m. There’s more here.

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