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No victims reported during fire at Tiffany’s luxury store on Fifth Avenue in New York

No victims reported during fire at Tiffany's luxury store on Fifth Avenue in New York

NY.– A fire broke out this Thursday morning in the luxury goods store Tiffany’s in New York, so far no victims have been reported.

New York City Councilman Keith Powers, representing the East Side in the Mayor’s Office, said the probable cause of the fire, which broke out before the store opened, is the explosion of an electrical transformer.

It coincides with the information provided by the ABC7 channel, which indicates that the Con Edison company has been requested at the scene to open an investigation immediately.

Powers noted that New York firefighters are already on the scene and asked citizens on his Twitter account to avoid the area, one of the busiest in New York.

The place where Tiffany’s is located, next to the Trump Tower and the Louis Vuitton house, just two blocks from Central Park, attracts thousands of passers-by, customers of these stores or simply curious people every day.

The fire was declared in this headquarters that had just reopened last April after four years of work.

Numerous people posted images on the networks where thick black smoke is seen filtering under the main entrance to Fifth Avenuewithout the company having offered details of what happened or the possible damage suffered by its staff or by the expensive items for sale.

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